Press Review

That is how Startup Factory is reviewed in the press over the years:

June 2023

The Startup Factory in the Süddeutsche Zeitung! We gladly accept the role as a small Gallic village and we are not so “small” after all: “A small number of indomitable German SMEs continue to believe in the Chinese market and are venturing into the Middle Kingdom. They feel abandoned by German politics – and have a clear message. (…)

Müller, Florian: “Vertragt euch und lasst uns weiter Geld verdienen”, Süddeutsche Zeitung and 19 June 2023, available for a fee (last downloaded 6 October 2023; onla available in German)

April 2023

The international competitiveness of German SMEs will be decided in Asia in many industry sectors and China as an site for innovation will become an important factor, says our partner Dr. Christian Haug

Haug, Christian: „Besser starten als warten“, Investment Plattform China/Deutschland 15.04.2023, retrieved from (last downloaded May 03rd, 2023, only available in German and Chinese)

September 2022

Investment Plattform 3 questions for Dr. Christian Haug on the current investment clima between China and Germany and its prospect

Haug, Christian: „3 Fragen an: Dr. Christian Haug“, Investment Plattform China/Deutschland 15.09.2022, retrieved from (last download September 09th, 2022, only available in German)

February 2022

Frank Herrmann, IHK Hagen, and Bernd Reitmeier talk about challenges and strategies of medium-sized enterprises doing business abroad (in German only):

Herrmann, Frank; Reitmeier, Bernd: „Post-Covid Strategie: Mittelstand muss globalisieren – nicht nur internationalisieren“, Südwestfälische Wirtschaft 02/2022, 78, S. 34-35, retrieved from (last download Feb. 09th, 2022)

January 2022

We shared our perspective on German SME investments in China and their requirement for more independend local organizations in particular under COVID circumstances with Investment Guide 2022 of Investmentplattform China/Deutschland (in German and Chinese only)

von Stein, Georg: „Die Weichen werden gestellt“, Investmentplattform China/Deutschland 2022, S. 40-43, retrieved from (last download 26th Jan. 2022)

April 2020

In the “ONLINE MEETING” series of the Global Business Magazine Bernd Reitmeier talks about the experience of resuming production after SARS-CoV-2 lock-down and dares to make a forecast about the further economic development in China. (in German only)

Reitmeier, Bernd; Gaeng, Hans (April 16th, 2020): „Hochlauf in China? China – der “beste Verlierer” der Corona-Krise“, retrieved from (last downloaded 24.04.2020)

The interview of Hans Gaeng with Bernd Reitmeier and an real-life example how new AR-technology could support the resumption of work can be find here:

Gaeng, Hans (April 13th, 2020): „New dimension of flexibility and organizational skills“, retrieved from (last downloaded 24.04.2020)

March 2020

Kunshan TV visited Startup Factory for a news report on the resumption of production after the SARS-CoV-2 lock-down in February. Our managing partner Frank Gaenzle gave an interview for “Kunshan TV News”, KSNTV (昆山 视听), broadcast on March 21, 2020.

August 2019

China’s “Made in China 2025” strategy aims to increase capabilities of local industry mainly by digitalization. Despite the resulting increasing competition, there are still many opportunities for Western Industry 4.0 products in China. In a guest article, Christian Haug explains the possibilities (available in German and Chinese only):

Haug, Christian: „Smart Factory in China: Chancen für den deutschen Mittelstand“, Investmentplattform China/Deutschland 3/2019, p. 42-45

October 2018

Within the “CHINALOGUE – the China Podcast”-series Sabrina Weithmann talked to Startup Factory China managing director Christian Haug (available only in German):

Sabrina Weithmann (2018, October 5th): „Der Standort für den deutschen Mittelstand“, retrieved from (last downloaded 05.10.2018)

July 2018

As part of the TOP Consultant contest, compamedia GmbH has created a profile of Startup Factory China (available only in German):

Sabine Olschner: „Inkubator für Gesellschaften in Fernost“, Website “Beste Berater 2018” (status 03.07.2018), (last downloaded 03.07.2018)

July 2018

A first impression how Smart Factory use cases are getting integrated into Startup Factory:

Nathan Lawes: „“Shared Manufacturing” Hub Smart Factory Wants to be a WeWork for Industry“, website RADII (Stand 25.04.2019), (last downloaded 25.09.2019)

May 2018

“To go abroad “attended” is a good way to reduce risks and uncertainties” a case study of Startup Factory in Thomas Batsching’s new book on internationalisation for small and mid-sized companies (available only in German)

Thomas Batsching: „Internationale Personalarbeit in der Praxis – Erfolgsfaktoren und Tools für mittelständische Unternehmen“, 1. Auflage 2018, Haufe Verlag, Freiburg, page 207 f.

January 2018

In an interview for ChinaContact, Bernd Reitmeier shares his insight on Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025 and chances and challenges for German SMEs (only in German available):

Weniger über Risiken diskutieren” in ChinaContact 1/2 2018, p. 54-55, OWC Verlag für Aussenwirtschaft GmbH

November 2017

A film team from SAP has visited Startup Factory and interviewed our Managing Partner Henry Wang on implementation of SAP Business One. The video gives a nice insight of our client Family.

July 2017

Startup Factory incorporates Smart Manufactoring Demonstration Lab Kunshan

Kunshan: Demonstrationszentrum für Industrie 4.0”, in ChinaContact, 7, 2017, p. 20, OWC-Verlag für Außenwirtschaft GmbH

April 2017

Startup Factory and its companies Scherzinger and Bihler (available only in German):

Wurzel, Steffen, Dorloff, Axel: „Angst vor der Übernahme”, in Deutschlandfunk online, (Status 13.04.2017) (last downloaded 17.04.2017)

April 2017

Our own point of view on business climate for SMEs in China (available in German only):

Haug, Christian: „Kein Grund zum Rückzug” in Asia Bridge 4:2017, Asia Bridge Special China p. IV-V (

March 2017

Interview with Bernd Reitmeier by Chinese Journal:

Peng, Yanjun: „Chinese Economy Boasts Bright Prospect” in Chinese Economic Information 24.03.2017 (, Status 08.05.2017)

December 2015

Comprehensive Overview of working together with and within Startup Factory (available in German only):

Koschnitzke, Lukas; Schwarz, Patrick: „Ein Chef für alle Fälle” in Handelsblatt, Nr. 237, 08.12.2015, , S. 52-53

September 2015

Startup Factory, Berger and former Startup Factory companies Veritas andHamberger (available in German only):

Tichauer, Peter: „Wir wollen deutsche Industriebasis werden” in China Contact, 9, 2015, pp. 10-14 und auf OCW online (Status 08.09.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)

June 2015

Report on “Bielefeld goes Greater China Day 2015” (available in German only):

Ereth, Anna: „China ist Chefsache”, in M&A Dialogue, (Status 24.06.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)

April 2015

Visit of North-Rine Westphalia’s governor Hannelore Kraft and her delegation (available in German only):

DPA/bar: „Hannelore Kraft will Türen in China öffnen”, in WeltN24 online (Status 17.04.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)

Buck, Jasmin: „NRW-Firmen erobern China”, in Rheinische Post online, (Status 22.04.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)

October 2014

Commerzbank’s point of view of Startup Factory’s conzept (available in German only):

Fuss fassen leicht gemacht”, Commerzbank Company News 4/2014, pp. 24-27

June 2014

Startup Factory and its client Sturm (available in German only):

Erling, Jonny: „China hat jetzt einen Brutplatz für deutsche Firmen”, in WeltN24 online, (Status 22.04.2014) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)

August 2013

Startup Factory and its client LABOM (available in German only):

Willershauser, Florian; Mattheis, Phillip: „Jenseits der Trampelpfade”, WirtschaftsWoche Nr. 31, 29.7.2013, pp. 68-71 und in Wirtschaftswoche online „Kleine Mittelständler erobern Asien” (Status 29.07.2013) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)

December 2012

The Startup Factory beginnings (available in German only):

Mattheis, Phillipp: „Unter Kommunarden”, WirtschaftsWoche Nr. 50, 10.12.2012, pp. 70-71 und in Wirtschaftswoche online (Status 14.11.2012) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)

March 2012

The Startup Factory beginnings (available in German only):

Heitze, Ulrike: „Die neuen Goldgräber” in Handelsblatt Nr. 045, 02.03.2012, p. 70

Heitze, Ulrike: „Deutsche Goldgräberstimmung in China”, in Wirtschaftswoche online (Status03.03.2012), (last downloaded 14.03.2017)