Kunshan Mayor Xiaogang Du accompany Startup Factory in Bielefeld

July 2018

On the occasion of the Germany visit of Kunshan mayor and party secretary Xiaogang Du and his delegation, Startup Factory together with German Industrial Park Kunshan held the digitalization event “Kunshan and OWL – Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025” at IHK Bielefeld, July 26th, 2018.

More than 80 participants from 40 small and medium sized companies, mainly from Westphalia, heard the lively speech of Kunshan city mayor and party secretary Xiaogang Du. High ranking speakers gave in their presentations an overview on digitalization efforts in the international context, then fokusing on China, before coming to 2 real live examples how smart manufacturing can work.


After the welcome speech of Harald Grefe, deputy excecutive general manager of IHK Bielefeld, Dr. Alexander Bode presented German Platform 4.0’s view on worldwide digitalization trends. Michael Maeder, board member of IoTOne, stressed on industrial internet of things (IIoT) and its Chinese equivalent “China 2025” explaining the requirements for the Chinese companies. Presenting two real live projects in China, first Christian Dorfmueller from Smart Factory Kunshan, introduced the open platform for international and Chinese IIoT solutions under the roof of Startup Factory. Secondly, Andrej Friesen from Fraunhofer IOSB gave an insight on the advanced Industry 4.0 production line set up by Fraunhofer in Huaián, China.

The event was concluded as Kunshan Zhangpu mayor Jianhua Wang handed over the business licenses of Mayser Kunshan, Centrotherm Kunshan, M-Tech Kunshan Poppelmann Kunshan and Forschner Kunshan, all newly established under the roof of Starup Factory in 2018.

About Startup Factory

Startup Factory is a currently the largest business incubator for small and mid-sized European enterprises that are looking for assembly or production facilities, a repair workshop or a job shop in China to extend their business activities.

At present, Startup Factory runs subsidiaries for 35 European companies on 26,000 sqm with a total of more than 300 employees at its factory location in Kunshan, near Shanghai. Our experienced German-Chinese management team in Kunshan is supported by a contact office in Munich. In addition to flexible rental units, Startup Factory offers a full management services package covering all functions that can be provided centrally. Our customers can concentrate fully on manufacturing and growing their business.

pictures: Startup Factory China GmbH, German Industrial Park Kunshan