Press Review
That is how Startup Factory is reviewed in the press over the years:
November 2017
A film team from SAP has visited Startup Factory and interviewed our Managing Partner Henry Wang on implementation of SAP Business One. The video gives a nice insight of our client Family.
July 2017
Startup Factory incorporates Smart Manufactoring Demonstration Lab Kunshan
„Kunshan: Demonstrationszentrum für Industrie 4.0”, in ChinaContact, 7, 2017, p. 20, OWC-Verlag für Außenwirtschaft GmbH
April 2017
Startup Factory and its companies Scherzinger and Bihler (available only in German):
Wurzel, Steffen, Dorloff, Axel: „Angst vor der Übernahme”, in Deutschlandfunk online, (Status 13.04.2017) (last downloaded 17.04.2017)
April 2017
Our own point of view on business climate for SMEs in China (available in German only):
Haug, Christian: „Kein Grund zum Rückzug” in Asia Bridge 4:2017, Asia Bridge Special China p. IV-V (
March 2017
Interview with Bernd Reitmeier by Chinese Journal:
Peng, Yanjun: „Chinese Economy Boasts Bright Prospect” in Chinese Economic Information 24.03.2017 (, Status 08.05.2017)
December 2015
Comprehensive Overview of working together with and within Startup Factory (available in German only):
Koschnitzke, Lukas; Schwarz, Patrick: „Ein Chef für alle Fälle” in Handelsblatt, Nr. 237, 08.12.2015, , S. 52-53
September 2015
Startup Factory, Berger and former Startup Factory companies Veritas andHamberger (available in German only):
Tichauer, Peter: „Wir wollen deutsche Industriebasis werden” in China Contact, 9, 2015, pp. 10-14 und auf OCW online (Status 08.09.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)
June 2015
Report on “Bielefeld goes Greater China Day 2015” (available in German only):
Ereth, Anna: „China ist Chefsache”, in M&A Dialogue, (Status 24.06.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)
April 2015
Visit of North-Rine Westphalia’s governor Hannelore Kraft and her delegation (available in German only):
DPA/bar: „Hannelore Kraft will Türen in China öffnen”, in WeltN24 online (Status 17.04.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)
Buck, Jasmin: „NRW-Firmen erobern China”, in Rheinische Post online, (Status 22.04.2015) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)
October 2014
Commerzbank’s point of view of Startup Factory’s conzept (available in German only):
„Fuss fassen leicht gemacht”, Commerzbank Company News 4/2014, pp. 24-27
June 2014
Startup Factory and its client Sturm (available in German only):
Erling, Jonny: „China hat jetzt einen Brutplatz für deutsche Firmen”, in WeltN24 online, (Status 22.04.2014) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)
August 2013
Startup Factory and its client LABOM (available in German only):
Willershauser, Florian; Mattheis, Phillip: „Jenseits der Trampelpfade”, WirtschaftsWoche Nr. 31, 29.7.2013, pp. 68-71 und in Wirtschaftswoche online „Kleine Mittelständler erobern Asien” (Status 29.07.2013) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)
December 2012
The Startup Factory beginnings (available in German only):
Mattheis, Phillipp: „Unter Kommunarden”, WirtschaftsWoche Nr. 50, 10.12.2012, pp. 70-71 und in Wirtschaftswoche online (Status 14.11.2012) (last downloaded 14.03.2017)
March 2012
The Startup Factory beginnings (available in German only):
Heitze, Ulrike: „Die neuen Goldgräber” in Handelsblatt Nr. 045, 02.03.2012, p. 70
Heitze, Ulrike: „Deutsche Goldgräberstimmung in China”, in Wirtschaftswoche online (Status03.03.2012), (last downloaded 14.03.2017)