2023•09•21 | 北威州外贸日
Talk to us at our booth at the IHK Aussenwirtschaftstag NRW on September 21 and learn about the soft landing opportunities for SMEs with Startup Factory in the US and China "[...]
2023•07•26 | 15th Asia Pacific Forum Bavaria
How can the asia strategies look like in a changing world order for medium-sized companies? We look forward to an informative exchange at our Startup Factory booth and at the conference! Register here [...]
2022•05•03 | 巴伐利亚中德经济文化协会:”加强管控,坚定信心!”
Bernd Reitmeier, André Hemmerle and David-Matthias Roebel will discuss on invitation of Chinaforum Bayern e.V. how German parent companies can set up their subsidiaries in China more resiliently to external difficulties without giving up control. 在这里注册 [...]
2022•05•09 | 线下研讨会:中国商业的未来将何去何从?
中国商业的未来是怎样的?您该如何建立自己的企业,使之不受风雨的影响?Bernd Reitmeier以及他来自EAC和儒德管理咨询的同事们将在活动现场和前来参会的企业家们分享他们的实际经验,并就此热点议题提出全面的概述。在这里注册 [...]
2022•05•10 | 巴塞罗那全球物联网解决方案大会
过去两年,蕴启实验室一直作为观众参与着,被大会上杰出的演讲者和现场鼓舞人心的氛围深深折服,今年作为参与的一员,蕴启合伙人Bernd Reitmeier先生和Christian Haug博士十分期待能在展台与您相遇,畅谈与中国相关的工业数字化问题。[...]