Startup Factory USA Moves into Fort Mill Facility
November 2022
After founding Startup Factory USA, Inc. in April 2022, our president Mike Birkle now moved into our first office and light manufacturing building in Fort Mill, SC. South of Charlotte airport we have found an ideal facility for service & sales teams including some warehousing or repair shops within our premises. Also, assembly and light manufacturing businesses can find their home here.
Together with us also GOETZE USA moved in with their USA sales office.
We are enlighten to offer our company incubation as shared service for small and medium sized European companies now also in the US and are looking forward to serving our clients with the diligence, transparency and hands-on attitude we are know for as Startup Factory Kunshan.
For more information on Startup Factory USA, our lease & service offerings and the soft landing concept, please contact us or follow Startup Factory USA on LinkedIn!