Press Pictures
The press pictures deposited here have been made available for you to download free of charge and released for publication solely for the purpose of editorial reporting about Startup Factory. Commercial use or passing on to third parties – also after being electronically processed – is not permitted. In case of publication, please also send specimen copies to Startup Factory
If you print a picture, please quote the source as Picture Startup Factory China
Logo, high resolution
4774 x 3943 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 2,81 MB
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Logo, low resolution
197 x 163 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 593 KB
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SFK Logo, medium resolution
2316 x 1921 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 567 KB
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Phase I Factory
7000 x 2451 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 4,21 MB
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Phase I Office
4912 x 5442 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 8,00 MB
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Phase II Factory
5000 x 2919 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 3,06 MB
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Phase II Workshop
3812 x 5000 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 5,09 MB
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Phase II Rooftop
5000 x 3065 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 4,94 MB
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Startup Factory Team
2500 x 2500 Pixel, 300 DPI, RGB, 1,75 MB
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